Manufacturing subsidy

August 26, 2021

Selected as a project eligible for subsidies related to the 2019 supplementary subsidies for promoting manufacturing, commercial, and service productivity improvement.

Approval of Saitama Prefecture Management Innovation Plan

August 20, 2021

ALITECS has been approved for the Saitama Prefecture Management Innovation Plan. 

1.Theme name
Development and business of a new concept semiconductor mask defect inspection system
~Development and business of reference image generation equipment~

2. Period
October 2020 to September 2025

Subsidiary establishment

October 2018

Established a subsidiary in Shanghai, China.

上海先综检测有限公司(Shanghai ALITECS Co.,Ltd.)
上海市徐汇区番禺路1028号 上海数娱大厦五楼
501, NO.1028 Panyu Road, Shuyu Building, Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200030, China

Closed office and opened new office

September 2016

Closed the office in Nishi-Shinjuku and opened a new office in Shibuya-ku.

New Office
Ami-Hall 601, 1-1-5, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012

New office

September 2015

Opened a new office in Shinjuku.
Location: Koshin Building 4F, 4-5-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Office closed

January 2015

Closed the liaison office in Oshima, Koto Ward.